Ocean Power! Chinese scientists produce green hydrogen from seawater at an offshore wind farm

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inspenet - 1967

Inspenet, June 14, 2023

Chinese scientists have succeeded in producing green hydrogen directly from seawater at an offshore wind farm, using an electrolysis process without the need for separate desalination.

The successful test took place in Xinghua Bay on the southeast coast of China, where a 459.4 MW offshore wind farm is located. For 10 days, the floating hydrogen production platform, known as Dongfu One, demonstrated its efficient operation, withstanding force eight winds, meter-high waves and a downpour.

Developed by Dongfang Electric Corporation in collaboration with a team led by Professor Heping Xie of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Sichuan University, Dongfu One is considered the first floating hydrogen platform combining renewable energy.

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1967 China produce hidrogeno verde parque eolico marino INTERNA 2
Ocean Power! Chinese scientists produce green hydrogen from seawater at an offshore wind farm

Marine engineering: Chinese scientists combine wind power and electrolysis to generate green hydrogen from seawater

The platform uses non-desalinated seawater electrolysis technology for the on-site production of hydrogen, together with intelligent management systems for energy conversion, safety monitoring and control, and loading and unloading systems.

This direct seawater electrolysis technology was featured in a study published in the journal Nature last year. Direct electrolysis avoids the need for prior desalination, which requires additional energy consumption and makes it less economically viable. In addition, the bulky stand-alone desalination system limits the flexibility of seawater electrolysis systems in terms of size.

1967 China produce hidrogeno verde parque eolico marino INTERNA
Ocean Power! Chinese scientists produce green hydrogen from seawater at an offshore wind farm

The team led by Heping Xie has worked to solve the technical challenges associated with producing hydrogen directly from seawater. They had previously performed 3,200 hours of successful operation on a demo system and have now moved the technology to the larger-scale Dongfu One floating platform.

According to Dongfang Electric Corporation, the success of this trial validates the feasibility and stability of direct seawater electrolysis technology in a real ocean environment. This advance in the production of green hydrogen offers new perspectives for the sustainable use of marine resources in the generation of clean energy and contributes to the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly energy solutions.

Source: Redimin

Photos : Dongfang Electric Corporation

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