Ocean Geophysics reuses seismic data to secure wind farm constructions

The company will leverage historical data using advanced software and modern processing techniques.
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La empresa Ocean Geophysics

UK-based Ocean Geophysics has launched a solution by reusing and reprocessing free seismic data. It aims to help future wind farm investors reduce costs and potential risks.

The importance of seismic data for Ocean Geophysics

In regions such as Europe and Australia, historical seismic data is freely available from national energy authorities. In addition, it is possible to acquire additional information from the archives of oil companies, which previously operated in those areas, Ocean Geophysics reports.

With this information, the company’s solution is to leverage historical data, using advanced software and modern processing techniques, to reveal previously essential information about shallower layers in potential construction sites. At the same time, this allows for lower levels of risk and lower recognition costs.

The company’s high-capacity data processing center is located in Thailand. This center is responsible for leveraging old data into useful resources for wind energy developers. wind energy developers .

Technology with high potential

The Director of Seismic at Ocean Geophysics Chris Weller says they are demonstrating the potential of advanced data processing techniques, after enhancing old profiler and S-UHRS data from previous seismic surveys, the developers were able to use this information to execute new approaches in future bids.

In addition, Weller adds that they have closed the gap between shallow and deeper data layers through meticulous processing. This has allowed him to conduct more interpretable geological studies.

Such a breakthrough has exposed previously hidden details, especially a delicate sediment layer, where previously it was not visible with conventional analysis methods, thus providing new insight into the geology.

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Source: Ocean Geophysics

Photo: Shutterstock

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