They will build a nuclear waste warehouse at the Cofrentes plant

Isbel Lázaro.
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residuos nucleares

Inspenet, November 11, 2023.

Iberdrola Generación Nuclear began the standard environmental impact assessment process for its project to construct an Individualized Temporary Warehouse (ATI-100) at the Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant.

Currently, the spent fuel produced by the operation of the Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant is stored in the east and west spent fuel storage pools in the fuel building, as well as in an Individualized Temporary Warehouse that was inaugurated in 2021 (ATI -24).

More details of the nuclear waste warehouse

Based on the effective capacity of the pools and containers at ATI-24 and considering the spent fuel generation projections at the plant, it is expected that the pools will reach their maximum capacity during the scheduled recharge in 2027.

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The ATI-100 of the Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant will include two reinforced concrete slabs, one of irregular shape (called the north slab) with a thickness of 1,067 meters and dimensions of 80.3 meters long by 22.5 meters wide, with the ability to store up to 52 containers.

The other slab, rectangular in shape (called south slab), also with a thickness of 1,067 meters, will have dimensions of 80.3 meters long by 17.5 meters wide and the capacity to store up to 33 containers. In addition, additional infrastructure will be built, such as access roads, fences and auxiliary facilities.

The Cofrentes nuclear power plant is located in the municipality of Cofrentes, in Valencia, near the Embarcaderos reservoir, on the right bank of the Júcar river. It uses a steam production system based on a BWR-6 type boiling light water reactor and a MARK 3 containment enclosure, supplied by the American company General Electric Company. The plant began operating on March 11, 1985 and has a renewed operating authorization valid until November 30, 2030.

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