Naturgas 2023 Congress comes to an end promoting the natural gas industry in Colombia

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Inspenet, May 26, 2023

For three days, the 25th Naturgas 2023 Congress brought together gas businessmen, special guests, 15 experts from 20 countries, important personalities such as the Minister of Mines and Energy, Irene Vélez, in Puerta de Oro, Barranquilla, Colombia; the mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejo; government authorities and congressmen.

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Naturgas 2023 Congress: Natural gas, protagonist of the energy transformation in Colombia

Natural gas is a conscious industry, whose higher purpose is to promote quality of life by taking advantage of its transformative power, said Luz Stella Murgas, president of the Colombian Natural Gas Association (Naturgas) .

He stressed that natural gas reached important milestones within the National Development Plan, among them, the financing or co-financing of the costs of internal home gas networks and the connection charge for Social Interest Housing.

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1869 Cierre Congreso Naturgas 2023 luz stella murgas Interna 2

He specified that the users of strata 1 and 2, the population of the rural sector, as well as the consolidation of a national program to replace firewood and polluting waste with natural gas and biogas, through which they can subsidize, finance or co-finance the mass projects. He stated that the fight against poverty and the protection of the environment are aimed at achieving the collective good.

The president of Naturgas recalled what was expressed by Professor Scott Tinker, from the University of Texas, “energy is needed to reduce poverty, but poverty cannot be reduced without energy.”

In Colombia, primary energy consumption in 2021 was 10,422 kilowatt hours per person, less than half that of Chile.

He assured that “in our country the energy pie must grow, or else the transition will be nothing more than a dream, because we cannot fight climate change by leaving our people in poverty.”

And he added that, “if Colombia wants to meet the objectives agreed in the Paris Agreement, its use of natural gas must grow by 50 percent.”

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