Inspenet, May 12, 2023
More than a thousand mining engineering students from 20 universities in Peru will meet in Lima, from June 19 to 24, to update their knowledge, promote research, innovation and present proposals on the problems of the sector, during the XVI National Congress of Mining Engineering Students-Coneimin 2023 that will be hosted and organized by the National University of Engineering-UNI.
The academic meeting, which will be held again after four years due to the pandemic, has an important importance after the recent world mining survey of the Fraser Institute that shows Peru as a country that continues to be attractive for mining.

The Coneimin is the most important student event in the mining industry and will bring together leaders, professionals, graduates and representatives of the Mining Engineering career. In parallel, the XI National Women’s Meeting of Mining Engineering Students (ENFEIM) and a Job Fair will take place in the main campus of the prestigious university.
At the congress, future professionals will have a free expression scenario to pronounce themselves and present solutions regarding the diverse regional perspectives that mining engineers face in the national and international context.

Peru advances in Mining 4.0
The agenda contemplates the advances and implementation in Peru of the so-called intelligent mining or Mining 4.0, to improve efficiency, safety and sustainability in each of the areas that make up this economic activity.
Also visits to industrial plants, technology that provide solutions and are a great support for the development of the mining industry.
The first thing a mining company must do to start its path towards automation is to collect and analyze information about each process in order to understand the needs in terms of hardware, software and communication networks.
The last Coneimin was held in 2019, in Arequipa, where, as now, attendees reinforce their professional profile according to the new requirements and demands of an increasingly competitive society.

Coneimin 2023 participants
This year the National University of San Marcos, Continental University, National University of the Altiplano, National University San Antonio Abad del Cusco, National University Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, UPC, Tecsup Lima, Tecsup Arequipa, National University of Piura, Holy Catholic University María de Arequipa and the National University of Trujillo.
Likewise, the National University of Central Peru, National University of Moquegua, San Agustín de Arequipa National University, Cajamarca National University, Daniel Alcides Carrión National University, San Cristóbal de Huamanga National University, North Private University and the Central University of Ecuador .
Source :
Photo : Facebook and Linkedin Coneimin 2023
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