National Pilotage Center launches the Impacta Minería 2022 contest

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, October 6, 2022. The National Pilotage Center (CNP) of Chile invites entrepreneurs, startups and technology-based companies to apply for the Impacta Minería 2022 national contest, which will have a prize of 25 million pesos for the design, preparation and execution of the test industrial pilot, with access to test sites in mining operations.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, October 6, 2022

The National Pilotage Center (CNP) of Chile invites entrepreneurs, startups and technology-based companies to apply for the Impacta Minería 2022 national contest, which will have a prize of 25 million pesos for the design, preparation and execution of the test industrial pilot, with access to test sites in mining operations.

Entrepreneurs or companies that have developed a functional prototype of a new mining technology will be able to participate in the contest and, in this way, test the invention in test spaces at sites in operation. Reaching the industrial scale of innovation will speed up the process of inserting new technology into industry.

The winner will have the coverage of operational expenses of design, preparation and execution of the industrial test of their innovation, for a value of up to 25 million pesos. Additionally, the activities and the test site will be organized and coordinated by the CNP.

The contest seeks to attract technological developments or innovations such as new reagents or materials; new equipment or electromechanical components; new systems of instrumentation, control, automation, robotization of operations; new software/hardware for condition monitoring, data analysis, Big Data, artificial intelligence or cybersecurity.

The developments are expected to address specific technical problems or an unmet need in the mining industry, which may apply to any of the following areas of operations: underground mining, open pit mining, ore transportation, smelting and refining, processing and concentrating. of minerals, hydrometallurgical processes, tailings, safety, occupational health and environmental sustainability.

Applications will be open until November 7 through the website .

This portal material was edited for clarity, style and length.

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