Sideways landing of Odysseus module complicated the mission on the Moon

Joshua Falcon, February 27, 2024. The Moon has always been an object of fascination and mystery, raising questions about the craters on its surface or the time it takes to reach it. Recently, after the last joint mission of Intuitive Machines and NASA, we faced a new challenge with the Odysseus module, which experienced a problematic lunar landing.
Alunizaje de costado del módulo Odysseus complicó la misión en la Luna

The Odysseus moon landing was cause for celebration in the United States, projecting an image of success. However, after the last joint mission of Intuitive Machines and NASA, they face a new challenge with the Odysseus module, which experienced a nerve-wracking and problematic lunar landing, soon revealing that significant action would be taken because the module did not land in the intended orientation on the lunar surface.

The Odysseus module

Steve Altemus, co-founder of Intuitive Machines, explained that on the IM-1 mission, their module reached its intended destination without mishap, although there were anxious moments due to delays in communications with Earth.

Despite these delays in communication, the team does not consider them to be a major concern at this time. What has emerged as a problem “is the discrepancy in power output from the module’s solar panels,” along with fuel levels, suggesting that the Odysseus module ended its journey lying on the lunar surface.

The incident seems to have occurred during the autonomous descent of the module, despite following the planned trajectory, an unforeseen event when touching the surface of the lunar lunar surfaceThe incident seems to have occurred during the module’s autonomous descent. Despite following the planned trajectory, an unforeseen event when touching the lunar surface caused the module to lose balance, possibly due to one of its bases falling on a crater or an obstacle.

Odysseus lander remains operational

It is also reported that the module is still operational and that its scientific data is intact, sending relevant information to the ground control center. However, communication problems persist, complicated by the current position of Odysseus, which makes it necessary to rely on the Goonhilly station in the United Kingdom to receive information.

Another important factor is time: Only one week is available until the Sun sets at the current location of Odysseus. In this way, essential data can be collected in the time available.

Now, the focus is on how the mission team will handle the challenges of continuing operations of this aerospace craft that has faced setbacks since its arrival on the Moon.

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