Mobile phone companies maximize the use of renewable energy

By: Inspenet, November 25, 2022. Global mobile operators are on track to maximize the use of renewable energy in telecom network operations, the GSMA association has revealed.
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By : Inspenet, Nov 25, 2022

Global mobile operators are on track to maximize the use of renewable energy in telecom network operations, the GSMA association has revealed.

According to a survey by the agency, the world’s mobile operators will require access to an additional 64 terawatt hours TWh of renewable energy, which means the energy consumption of Austria, this would have to be added in the next seven years, as companies seek decarbonize their energy supplies, according to the most recent GSMA Renewable Energy Access Policy document.

The international organization indicated that the mobile industry was one of the first to join the net zero commitment by 2050, and since COP26, held last year, operators have increased the amount of renewable electricity used to power their networks, in order to meet science-based targets.

According to the latest GSMA analysis, which encompasses half of global mobile connections, European networks are world leaders, buying on average 71% of renewable energy.

Meanwhile, in 41 of the 86 countries surveyed, more than three quarters of the energy consumed by operators is renewable. On the other hand, the survey shows that mobile networks in 29 of the 86 countries use less than 25 percent renewable energy. In addition, 32 percent of the renewable energy used by the operators is acquired through power purchase agreements with power generators, while 63 percent is obtained through renewable energy certificates from the electricity markets and the remaining four percent. percent is obtained from the self-generation of renewable electricity.

Figures show that operators in Europe and North America have been able to access and expand the amount of renewable electricity used to power their networks in recent years. By contrast, access to renewable electricity remains a challenge in many countries, as evidenced by lower regional market-based figures in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and South America.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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