Mitsubishi Shipbuilding achieves AiP for ammonia system in marine engines

An advanced two-stroke ammonia-fueled engine currently under development by WinGD.
Mitsubishi Shipbuilding logra AiP y aprobación

Recently, the Mitsubishi Shipbuilding division achieved AiP, an initial approval by the Japanese classification society ClassNK.

This recognition was awarded for the innovative Ammonia-Fueled Marine Engine Supply System (AFSS) designed and powered by ammonia to increase performance and operability.

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding achieves AiP

This specific AiP is favorable for the AFSS created for the X-DF-A engine, an advanced two-stroke ammonia-fueled engine currently under development by WinGD, a Swiss company specialized in the creation and licensing of large marine engines.

As of June 2023, Mitsubishi Shipbuilding has been collaborating with WinGD under a memorandum of understanding to jointly explore AFSS capabilities. The purpose of this alliance is to contribute to meeting the goals of the International Maritime Organization, which aims to eliminate net greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime industry by 2050.

Collaborative efforts culminated in February 2024 with the preliminary design of an AFSS suitable for the X-DF-A engine. In addition to the AiP approval, a new ammonia gas abatement system (AGAS) has been validated.

The multiple functions of ammonia for Mitsubishi

Ammonia is emerging as a promising fuel because of its CO₂-free combustion capacity, representing a viable alternative to emissions in the maritime sector. emissions in the maritime sector.

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding plans to further develop and refine marine systems for ammonia handling, including those for engine fueling and other gas abatement systems.

In addition, the company is committed to decarbonizing maritime economic activity, through proposals and technology solutions for vessels as well as plants. This would allow them to operate on ammonia, and further integrate combustion systems for multiple applications, from prime movers to generators and boilers.

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Source and photo: Mitsubishi Shipbuilding