MIT-World Peace University inaugurates the most innovative underwater laboratory in Asia to boost the oil and gas industry

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Inspenet, May 16, 2023

MIT-World Peace University (WPU) has built the first underwater research laboratory in Asia, with the aim of fostering multidisciplinary talent for the global oil and gas industry, the institute said.

The lab, called the Center for Subsea Engineering Research (CSER), is Asia’s first working prototype of deepwater oil drilling operations, revolutionizing the way the future workforce can train for the energy sector.

The state-of-the-art lab is the brainchild of MIT-World Peace University’s Department of Petroleum Engineering (PE) and built in collaboration with Aker Solutions .

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“With the launch of the Underwater Research Laboratory, we are taking a significant step towards achieving our goal of providing real-world, cutting-edge training and education to our students,” said Dr. Samarth Patwardhan, Head of the Underwater Laboratory, Professor in Petroleum Engineering, as well as the university’s Director of Research and Development, in a statement.

“We are confident that this state-of-the-art facility will not only benefit our students, but the industry as a whole, by producing highly-skilled and competent professionals who are ready to meet tomorrow’s challenges,” he added.

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MIT-World Peace University inaugurates the most innovative underwater laboratory in Asia to boost the oil and gas industry

The subsea laboratory has a wide range of applications, including hands-on academic experiments for undergraduate and graduate students in petroleum engineering, joint professional training programs with industry experts in subsea engineering and Industrial Health and Safety (ISHE), programs and Underwater engineering awareness tours for college and school students, as well as industry professionals.

MIT-World Peace University and Aker Solutions drive innovation

“Our partnership with MIT-WPU is a significant step in addressing the skills gap and fostering diverse skill sets across multiple disciplines to support the needs of the global oil and gas industry,” said Parag Paranajape, Systems Engineering Manager. , Aker Solutions.

Aker Solutions has supported MIT-World Peace University on this project from concept to completion, including design, procurement, manufacturing, installation, assembly, and testing of laboratory equipment.

Aker Solutions also actively participates in the implementation of the project and its work modules. A combined group of MIT-World Peace University faculty members, students, and Aker Solutions engineers have conceptualized the lab’s experiments on the performance of wells and remotely operated vehicles.

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The facility also provides hands-on training using real-time well control and drilling systems for drilling experiments and simulation.

It is a comprehensive resource for those looking to improve their underwater engineering knowledge and skills.

The lab further intends to collaborate with industry and government, both on the national and international front, to initiate joint research projects, which can lead to knowledge generation and improve the country’s energy security, the institute said.

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