Inspenet, May 2, 2023
MIS Marine is proud to announce its membership with Energy LEAP .
Energy LEAP and its members, made up of energy companies and industry leaders from around the world, work together to identify smarter and more efficient ways of working throughout the energy supply chain.
Driving efficiency, collaboration and digitization, Energy LEAP’s goals resonate closely with the vision and values of MIS Marine.
One of the organization’s goals is to establish a standardized and transparent approach to data sharing across the industry.
There is a growing requirement in the Marine Assurance industry to analyze, audit, examine and transfer information on marine entities to improve operational efficiency, reduce the risk of damaging incidents and keep up with a global business infrastructure that is becoming more digitized.
This requires a common understanding of what different marine data is supposed to display and a format in which the data can be shared among multiple users without compromising usability and compatibility with each of your business requirements.
Data standards will make it easier to create, share, and integrate data by ensuring that data sent and received is in an expected, consistent, and usable format.

Streamlining a standardized approach to units of measurement and naming conventions (collectively, “data standards”) will provide a host of benefits, including:
• Consistency: Data standards will ensure consistency and uniformity in the details collected from the vessel, terminal and cargo, which is essential to ensure accurate data exchange and processing.
• Transparency: Streamlined and integrated processes will allow for a fully recordable record of documentation exchange, supporting audits and reports.
• Security: Data standards will further enhance safety and environmental protection through their ability to seamlessly integrate and share the latest information on vessels.
• Efficiency – Data standards will improve efficiency by facilitating the planning and coordination of shipping operations, including vessel scheduling, Marine Assurance checks, cargo allocation and vessel routing.
• International trade: Data standards will help facilitate international trade, ensuring that goods can be transported across borders and between different modes of transport, while avoiding potential sanctions.
MIS Marine looks forward to working as part of the Energy LEAP membership to help drive positive change in the maritime industry.
Source and photo: MIS Marine
Internal photo : envato
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