Minera Bateas invites tender in Peru

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Inspenet, March 30, 2023

The Peruvian company Minera Bateas invites its suppliers and the general public to the bidding process for the lead and zinc concentrate transportation service. For their zinc concentrates, they detail that the collection point will be the unit located in Caylloma, Arequipa; and the delivery point will be the port of Matarani, also in the southern region.

In the case of its lead concentrates, the collection point will also be the Bateas mining unit and the delivery point will be the IMPALA warehouses, in Callao.

The requirements to apply in the bidding process are the following:

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Service brochure to bid and cover letter.

Experience of at least five years in execution of the requested service. List the main clients.

List of past operational references (minimum five).

List of current operational references.

Those interested in participating in this process must send the described requirements and confirm their participation in the following email: abastamiento@mibsac.com . It must be placed in the subject line: Tender for the transport service of lead and zinc mineral concentrates. Otherwise, they will not be considered in the process.

Minera Bateas SAC is a polymetallic production company that has epithermal deposits. The deposit, the processing plant and all the infrastructure of the project that Minera Bateas manages, are located in the Caylloma Mining District, in the Arequipa region.

Source : https://www.rumbominero.com/peru/noticias/mineria/minera-bateas-licitacion/

Photo : Freepik

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