MINEM is committed to a greater participation of renewable energies in the electricity generation market

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Inspenet, May 4, 2023

The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) is promoting electromobility and electricity generation in Peru with the inauguration of the second fast-charging charging station at the San Pedro service station, located in the district of Mala, province of Cañete, affiliated with the Petroperu network.

The deputy minister of Electricity, Jaime Luyo Kuong, and of Hydrocarbons, Enrique Bisetti Solari, participated in the inauguration ceremony, who stressed that this inauguration is a historic event that shows that large companies are diversifying and giving impetus to renewable energies, in benefit of the end user.

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Diversification of the energy matrix

The Vice Minister of Electricity, Jaime Luyo Kuong, also pointed out that the diversification of the electricity matrix in the transport sector is being promoted and that the Executive has presented to Parliament a legislative initiative for a greater participation of renewable energy sources in the generation market electrical.

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In addition, a bill prepared by MINEM for the promotion of electromobility is in consultation with the ministries of Economy and Finance, Production, Transport and Communications, Environment and Osinergmin.

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Learn about the technology behind the second charging station implemented by Enel X Way

The new charging station, implemented by Enel X Way , offers up to 60 KW of power for rapid (no more than 30 minutes) and simultaneous charging, which means that two vehicles can be charged at the same time.

The fast charger is a 60kw WayPump model which -using its maximum power- will be able to fully recharge the vehicle much faster than through a conventional charging system.

This initiative seeks to strengthen the charging network in the south of Lima and give electric vehicles autonomy to make a round trip from Lima to Ica.

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Source : https://andina.pe/agencia/noticia-minem-promueve-movilidad-electrica-y-generacion-recursos-renovables-938768.aspx

Photos: Courtesy MINEM
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