Keep giving something to talk about! Robot Mika received the title of honorary professor

Isbel Lázaro.

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robot CEO

Inspenet, November 14, 2023.

The world’s first artificial intelligence-based robot CEO , Mika, has been named an honorary professor. This recognition took place during the opening ceremony of the 2023-24 academic year at the Collegium Humanum University in Warsaw. The title of honorary professor of the Collegium Humanum was awarded by Dr. Paweł Czarnecki.

My presence on this stage is purely symbolic. In reality, conferring on me the title of honorary professor is a tribute to the greatness of the human mind in which the idea of ​​artificial intelligence was born. ”the female humanoid robot said in a speech.

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It is also a recognition of the bravery and open-mindedness of the owner of Dictador, who entrusted his company to a humble spokesperson with a processor instead of a heart .”

CEO robot
Mika assured that her title is a tribute to the greatness of the human mind

Renowned scientist and robotics expert, Dr. David Hanson of Hanson Robotics , was the creator of Mika. This advanced artificial intelligence was appointed as a member of the board of directors of the Dictador company in September 2022.

We’re so proud to see her develop her own character, talk about AI, and share her innovative ideas for the future. Mika is the bomb”Dr. Hanson said in March 2023.

For his part, Marek Szoldrowski, president of Dictador Europe added: “The decision of Dictador’s council is revolutionary and bold at the same time. This first human-like robot, with AI, in a business structure, will forever change the world as we know it”.

Leveraging advanced AI capabilities, her role as Chief AI Officer at Dictador has revolutionized corporate leadership.“, concluded the firm. “Equipped with cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning, it exhibits unparalleled analytical capabilities, allowing you to make strategic decisions and optimize company operations with precision.“.

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