Mitsubishi Shipbuilding unveils new Trans Harmony Green vessel in Japan

The Trans Harmony Green will operate as a RoRo vessel on various shipping routes in Asia.

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El buque Trans Harmony Green

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, has conducted a special christening and launching ceremony for the vessel Trans Harmony Green. This event marks the completion of the first roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) liquefied natural gas (LNG) powered vessel built for Toyofuji Shipping.

MHI’s Trans Harmony Green

The ceremonial event took place at the Enoura plant of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ Shimonoseki Shipyard and Machinery Shimonoseki, located in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Among the announcements, delivery of the Trans Harmony Green was estimated to be completed by the end of January 2025, once the outfitting and sea trials phases are completed.

On the other hand, the Trans Harmony Green will operate as a RoRo vessel on various maritime routes in Asia, as an important strategy in regional logistics. This reflects MHI’s value with the future and constant innovation in the maritime sector.

The design of the Trans Harmony Green includes impressive dimensions, with an overall length of 195 meters, a beam of 30.6 meters and a gross tonnage of close to 49,500 tons. With respect to its capacities, the ship can carry around 3,000 vehicles and up to 500 heavy-lift vehicles.

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Another technical highlight of the Trans Harmony Green is the propulsion system. propulsion system. It is equipped with high-performance dual-fuel engines that can use either LNG or diesel. In addition, sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions are reduced to almost zero, contributing significantly to reducing the ship’s environmental footprint, according to Mitsubishi Shipbuilding.

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Source and photo: MHI

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