Maersk unifies its brands and paints all Hamburg Süd ships with its iconic seven-pointed star

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Inspenet, May 7, 2023

Maersk, the leading Danish container shipping company, has started painting all the ships of its German subsidiary Hamburg Süd with its iconic brand. This decision is part of the process of unifying its subsidiaries, such as SeaLand and Hamburg Süd, under the Maersk brand, with the aim of creating a unified structure that better reflects the needs of customers.

The first ships of the 152-year-old German shipping company have been painted in the Danish company’s classic shades after a period of dry-dock maintenance. The first ship to go out with the new colors has been Cap San Nicolas, which is now known as San Nicolas Maersk.

The move means that the ships of the merged subsidiaries will have the design of the seven-pointed star and the name of the company in white, in contrast to the black that was previously used. This same design will be applied to the new ships that will be fueled with methanol.

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The decision to unify all its subsidiaries under the Maersk brand aims to improve customer service

The unification of brands will allow Maersk to better respond to the logistics needs of its customers on a day-to-day basis. The company has established itself as a leader in the container transport industry, with a presence in more than 130 countries and a fleet of more than 700 ships.


Cover photo: Editorial credit: Dumbra /

Internal photo: Editorial credit: Jeffrey B. Banke /

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