VW and Vulcan Unite to Forge Low-Carbon Steel Revolution

This agreement will cover up to 300,000 tons of Europe's annual steel needs, starting in 2027.
La producción de Acero bajo en Carbono

Volkswagen Group AG and Vulcan Green Steel have signed a cooperation agreement for the production and supply of low-carbon steel. Volkswagen Executive Board member responsible for Purchasing, Dirk Große-Loheide, detailed the importance of using green steel to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Low Carbon Steel Production

Oman’s fully vertically integrated flat steel production will range from iron ore mining to green power generation and green hydrogen production. green hydrogen production, culminating in the creation of finished flat steel. culminating in the creation of finished flat steel. Oman has ideal conditions for renewable energy, with high wind speed and strong solar radiation, facilitating the generation of green energy needed to produce low-carbon steel.

The companies expect to reduce carbon emissions in steel production by 70%. The partnership with Volkswagen establishes a fundamental part of the green steel strategy, which includes collaborations with Salzgitter AG from 2022 and a significant participation of the manufacturer H2 Green Steel, through its subsidiary Scania.

The industrial conglomerate Jindal Steel, owner of Vulcan Green Steel, has operations in India, Oman, Africa and Australia, and is diversified in steel, iron ore mining and energy activities. Starting in 2027, Vulcan will produce automotive and other high-strength steels in Oman, initially using natural gas and later renewable energy.

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Source and photo: Volkswagen Group Distribution