By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 12, 2022
U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm teamed up with Robert Downey Jr. to recruit climate professionals to join the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Clean Energy Corps.
As part of the team, Granholm and Downey Jr. appeared together in a DOE animation YouTube video, in which the two explain what kind of personnel DOE’s Clean Energy Corps is looking for.
According to DOE, the organization is seeking candidates interested in leading the clean energy transition across the following industries:
Program and portfolio management
Project management
Physical science
Grant/contract management
Information Technology/Cybersecurity
Occupational Health and Safety
Business Administration
Financial accounting
Human Resources
Public policy
Legislative Affairs

Clean Energy Corps is composed of staff from more than a dozen offices across DOE, including current and new employees who will work together to research, develop, demonstrate and implement climate change solutions, DOE said. With the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, the Clean Energy Corps is charged with investing more than $62 billion to provide a more equitable clean energy future for the American people, DOE stated.
“President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Act puts DOE at the center of building a better America with clean, affordable energy, and we will waste no time recruiting people who will make it happen,” Granholm said in a DOE statement.
“We are reaching out to the nation’s diverse talent, at every stage of their careers, to join Clean Energy Corps as global leaders in the fight against climate change. And we thank Robert Downey Jr. for joining us in this effort,” Granholm added.
Robert Downey Jr, known for playing several characters throughout his acting career, including Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes, said, “I found the perfect job for the summer! And, if I commit for life, I can help ensure a livable planet for generations to come.”
“Secretary Granholm and the entire Biden administration are tackling the climate emergency head-on by recruiting America’s best and brightest to join the Clean Energy Corps. Not to brag, but I think I’m civilian employee #001,” he added.
To apply for jobs go to: y
This material from the Petrobanca portal was edited for clarity, style and length.
Photo credit: ILya Soldatkin /