Looking for a job? Ecopetrol has more than 350 vacancies available.

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 5, 2022. The oil company Ecopetrol announced that they are offering vacancies for professionals from recent graduates to experts with more than 15 years of experience.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 5, 2022

The oil company Ecopetrol announced that they are offering vacancies for professionals from recent graduates to experts with more than 15 years of experience.

They are looking for citizens “who want to join the team and who are passionate about energy transition, renewable energy, innovation and sustainability”.

The company will have open vacancies until July 10. Interested persons may apply by accessing the following websites: https://convocatoriasecopetrol.com/ and https://www.ecopetrol.com.co/wps/portal/Home/es/trabaje-con-nosotros where they will find the vacancies divided into five areas:

Downstream: These are the offers in the equipment that “produces energy by transforming crude oil into essential products such as fuel and petrochemical products needed, for example, for the plastics industry. In the Downstream you can work in our Barrancabermeja or Cartagena Refineries”, says Ecopetrol.

Upstream: “As part of our commitment to the development of energy diversification that contributes to the growth of our country, in the Upstream you find opportunities in Exploration, Development, Production and Relationships with our strategic partners,” according to the company.

Support: “Be part of the support segment, where we make projects viable and establish guidelines for the development of safe, clean and reliable operations,” according to Ecopetrol.

CorporateThe vacancies in the corporate team will be in charge of creating “the guidelines for the business to have an exceptional financial performance, keep the operation’s risk under control, have the best agreements with the market and grow in a sustainable manner while empowering the talent of its teams”.

Seminars: Here are the vacancies for recent graduates or professionals with up to 3 years of experience.

This material from the portal ElTiempo, was edited for clarity, style and length.

Source: https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/santander/ecopetrol-lanza-convocatoria-estos-son-los-cargos-y-como-aplicar-683972

Flyer: Ecopetrol