Launch of the digital portal Inspenet: The CEO’s vision

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Inspenet, November 8, 2021. Within the framework of the XVII Conference of SLOM (Latin American Society of Oil Maritime Terminals and Monobuoy Operators) that will take place on November 10, 11 and 12 in the city of Cartagena, Colombia, the Inspenet digital portal will be launched.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Inspenet, November 8, 2021.

Within the framework of the XVII Conference of SLOM (Latin American Society of Oil Maritime Terminals and Monobuoy Operators) that will take place on November 10, 11 and 12 in the city of Cartagena, Colombia, the Inspenet digital portal will be launched.

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This portal is an interactive technological platform that globally connects professionals and companies, proposing effective work solutions for growth and development in the area of mechanical integrity and asset reliability, through our training spaces, advice and discussions.

The global connotation project began 18 months ago with the aim of connecting the professional, business and engineering world, strengthening the capacity for comprehensive training management.

Francesco Guido Solari, President and CEO of Inspenet: “I am very excited because this November 10, in the midst of the global change that has arisen as a result of the pandemic, we saw the opportunities, we understood that we could carry out smart work, remote meetings to respond to problem analysis, study of new methodologies, decision making and in the midst of the pandemic we decided to be part of this change”.

According to Solari, Inspenet is a solution that connects communities through forums, exchange of knowledge, it is a portal that will allow the exchange of valuable information and open consultations, appear as consultants and professionals, in addition to educating through the training platform e-learning.

“Inspenet will provide education and training in a simple but effective language, with the latest trends, methods, steps that a professional must take in a certain activity, within the framework of engineering and inspection. We have also created Inspenet TV, a channel that seeks to inform, educate, entertain and become a must-visit channel for professionals,” said Solari.

In addition, Inspenet proposes the interaction of the global business community through the business directory, which can be a meeting point for alliances, partnerships, consortiums, links for projects, community of consultants, as well as positions or the need for employees in the e-jobs of the portal.

“It is an ambitious and broad project, the launch can also be seen through the Inspenet TV screen, from the SLOM Conference for all the people who will not be able to attend. In short, I feel very happy, very excited, we believe that the city of Cartagena, should inspire Inspenet to definitively become that tool that accompanies the whole world to be better professionals, to be more connected and to create and find new opportunities”, concluded Solari.