Hina Battery launches the largest energy storage system with sodium-ion batteries

The commissioning of the 100 MWh Datang Hubei power plant records the development and commercialization of this technology.
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El mayor sistema de almacenamiento de energía

The company officially inaugurated the first phase of the Datang Hubei sodium ion energy storage power plant scientific and technological innovation demonstration project, reaching a production capacity of 50 MW/100 MWh. This project opened on June 30, 2024, with battery cells supplied by Zhongke Haina, making it the largest sodium-ion battery energy storage system in the world.

The largest energy storage system

The storage system consists of 42 battery containers and 21 integrated booster and conversion machines, in addition to a 110 kV booster station. This system can store 100,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity in a single charge, releasing energy during peak demand. This is enough to cover the daily electricity needs of 12,000 households, while reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 13,000 tons per year.

Sodium-ion batteries represent a breakthrough in productivity, solving problems associated with the limited and uneven distribution of lithium resources, which in China represent only 6.3% of the world’s reserves. Datang Hubei has shown an innovative spirit in leading this technology initiative, conducting extensive research and technical demonstrations.

Zhongke Haina has pioneered the commercial application of sodium-ion batteries. In 2019, it completed the demonstration of the first 100 kWh sodium-ion energy storage power plant and launched the first 1 MWh sodium-ion battery in 2021. By the end of 2023, it successfully delivered batches of storage cells to China Southern Power Grid, connecting the first 10 MWh sodium-ion power plant in May this year.

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The commissioning of the 100 MWh Datang Hubei power plant records the development and commercialization of this technology. Zhongke Haina will continue to collaborate with strategic partners to accelerate the commercialization of sodium-ion batteries.

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Source and photo: Hina Battery

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