Japanese company Iwaya Giken offers balloon trips to space

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Inspenet, March 3, 2023

Sapporo-based Japanese space tech startup Iwaya Giken offers balloon rides into space, a more accessible and affordable alternative.

Keisuke Iwaya, president of the company, claims that they have been working on this project since 2012. Therefore, until now they managed to develop a cabin for two people, the pilot and the passenger.

“We think the price could be as low as 1 million yen ($7,400) in the future, but it takes a long time to get to that point, maybe another 10 years or so,” he said, at the launch of his company, according to the newspaper El Mundo.

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This balloon will rise for two hours until it reaches the necessary height, 25 kilometers, and will be able to have trips lasting one hour, where the curve of the Earth can be clearly seen. This view could be enjoyed for an hour, during which time the capsule will remain stopped before returning to Earth.

As indicated by the company, the balloon was built with specialized plastic, it also ensures that the cabin could be resistant to changes in temperature and air pressure.

“The company is partnering with a major Japanese travel agency, JTB Corp, which will provide support when the company is ready for its first commercial trip, planned for later this year, without the price of the first tickets being disclosed” says The World.

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Source : https://www.panamericana.bo/articulo/internacional/empresa-japonesa-pretende-realizar-viajes-espacio-globo/20230224172508008793.html

Photos : Iwaya Giken. https://iwaya.biz/

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