Carbon Capture and Storage project created in Italy

Isbel Lázaro.
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Inspenet, October 27, 2023.

Snam , the Italian company that operates the gas network, is collaborating with energy group Eni on a project to capture carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and deposit it in depleted gas fields. This effort seeks to support the decarbonization initiatives of companies not only in Italy, but also in southern European industries.

Snam CEO Stefano Venier noted that highly polluting sectors such as cement and steel production might find it more convenient to store their CO 2 at Italian facilities rather than transport it to existing carbon capture and storage (CCS) locations in Norway.

About the Carbon Capture and Storage project

The first phase of the CAC center, located in Ravenna, Italy, is scheduled to come into operation in late 2024 or early 2025. This will have the capacity to store 25,000 tons of CO 2 per year in inactive gas fields located off the coast of Ravenna. Over time, its capacity will be expanded to accommodate emissions from both highly polluting Italian and foreign industries.

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Although concerns are raised about the effectiveness of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the fight against climate change, Stefano Venier stressed that the country has implemented rigorous security measures to prevent possible acts of sabotage on its gas infrastructure. He also highlighted that patrol procedures and activities had already been in place for some time and that no additional measures have been required due to instability in the Middle East.

The Center for International and Environmental Law, in conjunction with more than 500 organizations, has raised concerns about the risks associated with CCS, including potential threats to health, safety, and the environment. However, Snam and Eni are committed to ensuring the safety and effectiveness of their project, thus contributing to the transition to a low-carbon economy.

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