Taurus underwater ROV for deep ocean exploration unveiled

In addition to being a research tool, the Taurus is also used for real-time education, transmitting underwater images directly to classrooms and community events.
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Presentan el ROV submarino Taurus para la exploración del océano profundo

The University of South Florida (USF), in partnership with the Florida Oceanographic Institute (FIO), has introduced a new remotely operated vehicle (ROV) called Taurus. This underwater ROV is capable of descending to depths of up to 2.5 miles, offering the possibility of exploring the most remote corners of the ocean and discovering potentially unknown species.

With the acquisition of the ROV Taurus, USF enriches its technological arsenal and establishes itself as a leader in oceanographic science in the United States. Rhea Law, president of USF, noted that the addition of Taurus “will strengthen our position as a world leader in oceanographic sciences” and “create additional opportunities for our students to engage in immersive learning experiences.”

About the Taurus underwater ROV

The ROV Taurus is on board the Western Flyerthe most technologically advanced vessel in FIO’s fleet. From this platform, Taurus will be used for deep-sea scientific research and also for educational programs that will train the next generation of marine scientists. It should be noted that FIO’s FIO’s Peerside program uses the ROV in a professional development context, teaching students about technology and careers in ocean science. This program includes ROV dives and live broadcasts that integrate hands-on learning with theory.


Taurus will be used for scientific research and educational programs. Source: USF.

Monty Graham, director of FIO, highlighted that Taurus “will significantly enhance our understanding of deepwater environments,” thus facilitating professional and educational development through its live streaming technology.

It is important to note that the Taurus design, developed by Pelagic Research Services, includes state-of-the-art technology such as manipulator arms and sample collection systems that allow direct interaction with the underwater environment. These features make Taurus an invaluable tool for advancing ocean research and environmental conservation, enabling discoveries of new species and ecosystems and documenting human influence on the oceans.


Taurus is designed by Pelagic Research Services. Source: USF.

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Source and photo: University of South Florida

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