International company Ingeteam supplies eight inverters to the first large-scale photovoltaic plant in Macedonia

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By : Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, March 8, 2022.

The Oslomej solar project, the first large-scale photovoltaic plant in North Macedonia financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), has been built next to a coal-fired power plant located in Kichevo and is equipped with eight Ingeteam solar inverters of 1,400 kW each.

This photovoltaic plant represents the first phase of a larger project that includes the construction of up to 100 photovoltaic MW, according to Ingeteam.

This first phase of 11.7 MW of installed capacity has been built by Europower Solar, belonging to the Turkish group Girisim Elektrik AS.

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Directors of the EBRD and the national public electricity company ESM have recently visited the facility to check the progress of the project, which is already well advanced. Future PV plants to be developed to complete the 100 MW project will be built on top of a former coal mine.

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