They install the first tidal turbine that imitates a fish to generate clean energy

Inspenet, August 12, 2023. An innovative tidal turbine that imitates the movement of fish to harness energy from rivers and generate clean electricity has been installed in the Rhône River, north of Lyon. This unit is part of an experimental project developed by the company EEL Energy.
turbina mareomotriz

Inspenet, August 12, 2023.

An innovative tidal turbine that imitates the movement of fish to harness energy from rivers and generate clean electricity has been installed in the Rhône River, north of Lyon, France. This unit is part of an experimental project developed by the company EEL Energy. The country has considerable energy potential in its river currents, estimated at at least 254 MW.

Unlike conventional hydroelectric turbines, which use a horizontal or vertical axis turbine to capture energy from currents, the turbine developed by EEL Energy uses a different approach. Its operation is based on an innovative system that uses an undulating membrane inspired by nature .

Tidal turbine that imitates a fish: pioneering innovation

This innovative technology is the result of the work of Jean-Baptiste Drevet, who founded the start-up EEL Energy together with a team of eight people. For a decade, the company has been dedicated to the development of this biomimetic turbine.

The generation of electricity with this turbine is completely free of CO 2 emissions and fully respects biodiversity. Its operation is similar to that of a swordfish or a submerged whale, since it uses an articulated membrane 10 meters long and 7 meters wide, submerged at a depth of approximately 7 meters in the river. This membrane moves constantly with the fluvial currents, reaching a speed of around 2 m/s.

More about its implementation

EEL Energy has established a collaboration with France’s Waterways (VNF) to implement an experimental undulation turbine farm at the Saint-Clair in Caluire-et-Cuire and La Feyssine in Villeurbanne parks.

This pilot project includes four turbines, one of which has already been installed in the Rhône River. It is estimated that each unit will generate 100 MWh per year, resulting in a total annual production of 400 MWh, enough to supply approximately 100 French homes.

The company plans to have all of its turbines in operation by the end of this year. If the pilot project is successful, the possibility of implementing this innovative clean energy production system in other places, both fluvial and marine, will be considered.

It is important to note that this technology appears to be relatively easy to install and in the case of the pilot project on the Rhône River, the start-up benefits from the use of existing connection infrastructures.

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