Inspenet participated in the API Refining and Equipment Standards Meeting, Spring 2022

Free translation and writing by: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, May 20, 2022. The American Petroleum Institute API (American Petroleum Institute) held this week the Refining and Equipment Standards Meeting, Spring 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
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Free translation and writing by : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, May 20, 2022

The American Petroleum Institute (API) held this week’s Refining and Equipment Standards Meeting, Spring 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

This event brought together professionals from the oil and gas industry, involved in the refining and petrochemical sectors; as well as refinery equipment specialists for updates to the content of numerous API standards and in-depth analysis of material/corrosion and inspection standards.

Inspenet, the knowledge and professional connection network, was present at the venue to offer you all the exclusive information, presenting a broadcast of everything that happens at the event, with interviews with the speakers, information on the technical committee meetings on standards API, the latest research and development in refining process equipment, plus product exhibits from industry suppliers.

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