Inspenet paid tribute to women in the industry with a special webinar

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By : Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, March 10, 2022

Inspenet continues with the cycle of free webinars and within the framework of International Women’s Day, a special webinar was held by two leaders, prominent figures in the oil industry and moderated by Eng. Francesco Solari, CEO of Inspenet.

The theme “The influence of women in the Oil & Gas, maritime and port sector” was given by the vice president of Ecopetrol Gas, Yeimi Báez and the president of Wista Colombia, Tatiana Rabat.

Báez, who was recognized as one of the 275 most influential women worldwide in the energy sector by the Energy Council, has an outstanding track record leading projects related to natural gas, LPG, biogas and hydrogen, in addition to being named Oil Woman & Gas 2020 by the SPE Colombian Chapter.

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“I am an engineer, I work at Ecopetrol, which is a great privilege (…), it has been a spectacular challenge, these almost twenty years of work that I have had, but at the end of the day, they have become a living testimony, that it is possible, for all those women who are doubting it: I tell them that it is totally viable, that we can develop the professional dreams that we want to achieve, all the positions that we propose to transform society”, commented Báez.

For her part, Tatiana Rabat, president of Wista Colombia, an international association of women related to the maritime sector, logistics and international trade, has more than a decade of experience working in national companies of international scope for the maritime sector and port.

“We must always highlight our nature of being a woman (…) I like to say that I was published by the Ministry of Culture in an anthology of the voices of women from the Caribbean and the Pacific, and I like to highlight it because we as women should take advantage of all the spaces that amplify our voice and identify which are the scenarios where our voice and the work we are doing is made known”, explained Rabat.

We invite you to enter our YouTube channel Inspenet, to enjoy this webinar, where you will be able to learn about the perspectives of the gas industry in the next five years, the feminine value in the management of maritime and port operations, the role of women and its evolution in the new challenges, among other interesting topics in:

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