Inspenet Brief: A compilation of innovation and collaboration

Isbel Lázaro.
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Inspenet brief

We invite you to read the 2nd edition Inspenet Brief 2nd edition!

We invite you to read the second edition of Inspenet Brief , a showcase of progress and collaboration in the energy sector that featured the CEO of Guided Ultrasonics Ltd, Dr. David Alleyne.

This digital magazine is the result of the contribution of prominent professionals, organizations and leading companies in the sector, as well as the efforts of our CEO, Francesco Solari, who together with his team selected inspiring content that connects with the energy industry.

It should be noted that this edition brings together leaders, organizations and outstanding companies in the Oil & Gas, new energy, petrochemical and maritime terminals sectors, showing trends, technologies and success stories.

Likewise, experts address key topics such as the energy future, the tank industry by 2024, eddy current inspections, leadership in the energy transition, tank lining, digital economy, corrosion and more.

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As a team we want to thank our collaborators and partners, among which AMPP, SLOM, API, ILTA, ASNT, GPA MIDSTREAM, the Hydrogen Association of Mexico and leading companies such as BECHT, ENGIE, Guided Ultrasonic Ltd, among others.

We invite you to enjoy the second edition of our Brief! Join our community and be part of the platform where innovation and development in the energy sector are the protagonists.

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