Inpex sells unconventional oil exploitation in the US to Repsol.

Inspenet, February 3, 2023 The Japanese oil exploration and production company Inpex has sold its unconventional oil assets in the United States to the Spanish company Repsol, as reported this week.
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Inspenet, February 3, 2023

The Japanese oil exploration and production company Inpex has sold its unconventional oil assets in the United States to the Spanish company Repsol, as reported this week.

Inpex, which has held a number of unconventional oil assets in the Eagle Ford Play in the state of Texas since 2019, decided to divest assets “primarily in accordance with the company’s vision to optimize the global asset portfolio of the Inpex Group ”.

Inpex, which has a number of oil and gas assets globally, including in Norway, Azerbaijan and the Middle East, did not disclose the value of the deal, but said the impact on its consolidated results would be “minimal.”

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In January, Inpex announced that it intends to accelerate its expansion of the production and sale of liquefied natural gas (LNG), by boosting its LNG projects in Indonesia and Australia.

Source :

Photo: ShutterStock

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