Industry leaders gathered at the opening of the XVIII SLOM Conference

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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, October 5, 2022

With a large attendance, the XVIII Seminar of Operators of Oil Maritime Terminals and Monobuoys (SLOM) began, inauguration that took place in the morning hours of this Wednesday, October 5 at the Convention Center of the city of Cartagena, Colombia .

Renata Campagnaro, vice president of supply, transportation and marketing of Frontera Energy Corp., was in charge of welcoming the new board of directors of SLOM elected for the period 2022-2024, made up of: Francisco Barreto, President; Gonzalo Mera Truffini, Vice President; José Perdomo, Secretary and Angélica Hernández, Treasurer; who will take possession of their positions at the end of this day and will work together for the development and growth of the sector. Accompanying them in their management will be the directors: Fabián Sánchez Espinoza from the technical committee; Luiz Filipe Ferreira de Santana of inter-institutional relations and María Camila López Amador, executive director.

Furthermore, Eng. Enrique Sandoval Vice President of Hocol, a subsidiary of Ecopetrol; announced the company’s goals, regarding carbon neutrality, scopes 1 and 2 to 2025, where he indicated that Goajira will be a pioneer in solutions based on nature and the use of technology for the removal of CO2, with the support of the startup Blusink to improve the potential of the ocean and take advantage of the large-scale cultivation of macroalgae.

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For his part, Felipe Rodríguez, Commercial Vice President of the Puerto Bahía port company, made a presentation explaining the spaces of the port: the General Cargo Terminal, the RoRo Storage, the Liquid Cargo Terminal and its expansion areas.

In this way, the day was inaugurated, which will last until Friday, October 7, with the purpose of integrating the operators of the oil maritime terminals of the region with the maritime port authorities and the suppliers of goods and services of the sector, to in order to achieve safer, cleaner and more efficient operations.

SLOM, has prestigious international companies as sponsors of the event: Diamond Level; the company BUZCA, Gold Level; Dunlop Oil & Marine, Bluewater, Ambipar Response, Rosen Group and Oil&Marine, Silver Level; Coltugs Towage and Salvage and SAAM Towage. It also has leading companies as associate members from different countries: CENIT, Ocensa, EcoPetrol, OC (Colombian Oil Pipeline), Puerto Bahía, Hocol, Oiltanking, YPF, CGC, Termap, ENAP, COPEC, PetroEcuador, OCP Ecuador, PMI, Pemex. , Transpetro, ANCAP, Petroterminal of Panama and RECOPE.

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Photos: Inspenet

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