Inspenet, June 14, 2023
The production test stage recently carried out in the Chaco Este-X9D (CHE-X9D) well registered “hydrocarbon flows” in two reservoirs, announced the president of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) , Armin Dorgathen.
The well “is the discoverer of a new block located in the Chaco Sur field”, in the Gran Chaco province of the department of Tarija, reports an institutional bulletin.
“The successful production tests of the well registered an average production of 8.76 million cubic feet per day (MMcfd) of natural gas and 281 barrels per day (Bpd) of condensate. These are volumes that contribute to internal supply and the fulfillment of assumed commitments”, indicated Dorgathen.

The Chaco Este-X9D exploratory well surprises with high flows of natural gas and condensate in two new reservoirs
Natural gas and condensate flows were recorded in the Chorro and Escarpment Medio reservoirs at depths of 3,026 meters (m) and 2,027 m, respectively.
According to the state oil company’s report, the drilling operations of the CHE-X9D well, in charge of the operator Vintage Petroleum Boliviana Ltd, began on May 1, 2023, within the framework of the Upstream Reactivation Plan (PRU). ).
In the drilling stage, the SAI-316 equipment was used, which has a power of 2,000 HP (horsepower).
Production tests in the CHE-X9D well were carried out between May 30 and June 5.
Since January 2022, Vintage Petroleum Boliviana Ltd. has been facing a campaign that considered the drilling of four wells. The CHE-6D, CHE-X7D and CHE-X8D wells were previously drilled, increasing field production by more than 60%.
With the drilling of the CHE-X9D well, this drilling campaign carried out by the operator concludes.
Source : Unitel
Photos : YPFB
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