Inauguration of the XVII SLOM Conference in Cartagena

Yolanda Reyes.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Inspenet, November 10, 2021.

Photo: Yolanda Reyes.

This Wednesday the XVII Seminar of the Latin American Society of Oil Maritime Terminals and Monobuoys Operators (SLOM) was inaugurated at the Estelar Cartagena de Indias Hotel & Convention Center.

In the event, called “Del reencuentro”, which will take place from today until Friday, November 12, 29 speakers will speak and 3 workshops will be held, related to the oil, maritime and port industries, the exchange of technical experiences and maritime security.

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In the same way, the day has a commercial exhibition, where the company Inspenet with its recently inaugurated digital portal , attends the event as an exhibitor in a stand, presenting its technical consulting services, diplomas, courses , job offers and business directory, among other products.

In addition, Inspenet TV broadcasts live and direct online from the Conference, interviewing the participants, exhibitors and conferences. To connect go to:

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