In Tech Talking we will talk about engineering for the integrity and control of corrosion

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Inspenet, February 6, 2023

In the Tech Talking Program this Wednesday, February 8, the engineer will be a guest. Jorge Cantó, who will be chatting with the ing. Francesco Solari, CEO of Inspenet, about the company Corrosión y Protección Ingeniería SC, leaders in Engineering for Integrity and Corrosion Control.

Jorge Cantó is a prominent researcher, author of numerous scientific articles published in refereed journals, member of the National System of Researchers of Mexico. He participated in the development of 39 national and international patents. Mechanical engineer with postgraduate studies in Business Management, specialist in Cathodic Protection NACE CP4 and PhD in Materials Sciences.

Cantó, performs functions as Executive Director of the company Corrosión y Protección Ingeniería, SC, a company with more than 26 years in the industrial sector, which provides inspection and diagnostic services, application of technologies and design of engineering projects for the control of interior and exterior corrosion, mainly addressed to cathodic protection and protective coatings. In addition, they offer “NACE International” training and certification programs.

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In this episode, Eng. Cantó describes anticorrosion coatings, cathodic protection and corrosion inhibitors as the main methods used to mitigate corrosion, as well as the economic impact that damage caused by corrosion generates globally when it is not controlled.

We invite you to enjoy this interesting program, on Wednesday, February 8 at 6:00 p.m. Colombia.

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Source, image, video : Inspenet

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