In-person or virtual university career? UTPC offers various programs

Inspenet, April 20, 2023 Founded in 1934, the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC) is one of the most prestigious in the Colombian State for its academic level. This year, the UPTC offers various programs in face-to-face and virtual modality.
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Inspenet, April 20, 2023

Founded in 1934, the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC) is one of the most prestigious in the Colombian State for its academic level. This year, the UPTC offers various programs in face-to-face and virtual modality.

This year, the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia offers 55 university courses, 116 postgraduate courses and 16 short courses. Among its university careers, you can study any of its 23 undergraduates, 20 degrees and 11 engineering.

The Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia is also a virtual university. It currently teaches 24 virtual careers, including 4 virtual undergraduates, 2 virtual bachelor’s degrees, and 6 virtual postgraduate degrees (1 virtual master’s degree and 1 virtual specialty).

Undergraduate Career Offerings

At its headquarters, located in the city of Tunja, the UPTC has academic programs that are distributed among face-to-face, distance, and postgraduate education programs. Below are the undergraduate career offerings:

-Faculty of Engineering: Civil Engineering, Systems and Computing Engineering, Transport and Highway Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Engineering, Electronic Engineering.

-Faculty of Sciences: Biology, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.

-Faculty of Agricultural Sciences: Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics.

-Faculty of Education Sciences: Degree in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education, Degree in Social Sciences, Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports, Degree in Early Childhood Education, Degree in Philosophy, Degree in Foreign Languages with emphasis in English and French , Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, Bachelor’s Degree in Music, Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in Educational Consulting, Plastic and Visual Arts, Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages with an emphasis in English, Bachelor’s Degree in Plastic Arts, Bachelor’s Degree in Preschool Education, Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages Spanish – English, Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Bachelor of Literature and Spanish Language.

-Faculty of Health Sciences: Nursing, Psychology and Medicine.

-Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences: Business Administration, Public Accounting, Economics and Law.

The UPTC also has branch offices, extensions, and distance education centers in the departments of Chiquinquirá, Duitama, and Sogamoso. For more information, visit their website:


Photo: ShutterStock

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