ILTA invites you to its 2023 Annual Golf Tournament this Sunday the 21st at the prestigious Wildcat Golf Club

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Inspenet, May 19, 2023

The International Liquid Terminals Association (ILTA) invites you to participate in its 2023 Annual Golf Tournament, which will take place this Sunday, May 21, the day before the ILTA 2023 Conference and Fair begins.

The ILTA Golf Tournament, which will be played on two courses at the prestigious Wildcat Golf Club in Houston, is a way to strengthen your professional relationships, and even start new ones, with colleagues in the terminal industry.

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Liquid Terminals Professionals to Compete and Make High-Level Connections at ILTA’s 2023 Annual Golf Tournament

A favorite of Houston golfers, the Wildcat Golf Club features world-class courses designed by Scottish architect Roy Case. This traditional course boasts spectacular views of Houston, offers unique challenges, and provides an enchanting experience for all skill levels.

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To register, contact Meredith DeZemler at or visit the website: . Pre-registration for the golf tournament is required and is open to all conference and trade show attendees.

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