IKEA and HMM adopt biofuel technology to reduce carbon emissions

IKEA has signed similar agreements with Hapag-Lloyd to use the "Ship Green 100" biofuel option.
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IKEA and HMM have entered into an agreement to use their ‘Green Sailing Service’, a biofuel-based shipping solution. One of the company’s objectives is to reduce carbon emissions in its services.

IKEA and HMM integrate biotechnologies

HMM has informed that the biofuels used in this service are ISCC certified and are produced from waste-derived biomass. This agreement aims to reduce approximately 11,500 tons of CO2e emissions between March 1, 2024 and February 28, 2025, through the use of these biofuels. biofuels in all IKEA ocean shipments handled by HMM.

The amount of CO2e (11,500 tons) that will be saved through this green partnership with IKEA, which is equivalent to transporting 14,534 TEUs of emission-free cargo from Asia to Europe. The main objective is to reduce relative GHG emissions from transport, for each of its products, by up to 70% by 2030 and to achieve zero-emission logistics by 2040.

IKEA has signed similar agreements with Hapag-Lloyd to use the “Ship Green 100” biofuel option, as well as with CMA CGM, the GoodShipping Program and the Port of Rotterdam for a unique collaboration that seeks to test and expand the use of sustainable marine biofuels.

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HMM, for its part, launched the ‘Green Navigation Service’ earlier this year and is looking to expand its reach through extensive cooperation. A spokesperson for HMM commented,“We will continue to explore ways to make sustainable development our primary focus, which will enable us to make significant progress towards carbon neutrality.”

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Source and Photo: HMM

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