IDB announces loans for renewable energies in Colombia

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, October 3, 2022. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) will finance renewable energy projects, not only wind and solar, but also green hydrogen, offshore wind and electromobility.
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By : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, October 3, 2022

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) will finance renewable energy projects, not only wind and solar, but also green hydrogen, offshore wind and electromobility.

Likewise, from the private part of the entity, called IDB Invest, progress is already being made with the financing of specific projects.

In terms of financing projects and initiatives for the development of renewable energies in Colombia, from the public front, the IDB has been implementing operations in recent years that have included financing for the installation of solar PV (Photovoltaic) systems and access to energy with FNCER (Non-Conventional Sources of Renewable Energies), mainly through financing for the Todos Somos PAZcífico project, which has been developed since 2017 and, in its sustainable rural energization component, includes investments of USD 91 million, explained Alexandra Planas, leading energy specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in an interview with Energía Estratégica.

“In addition to the recently concluded operations, such as the case of IDB Invest with the two solar projects mentioned above, in the case of the line of credit to support the Energy Transition, we initially expect that in the period from 2023 to 2025 to be able to finance several photovoltaic projects , as well as a couple of projects of storage with batteries and in terms of electromobility”, added Planas .

This material from the portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

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