Hypersonic test field in the Gulf of Mexico is launched

The mission was established in less than seven months.
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campo de pruebas hipersónico en el golfo de México

The Spaceport Company has inaugurated its offshore hypersonic test range. Recently, an Evolution Space interceptor was successfully launched from the“Once in a Lifetime” platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexicodemonstrating the feasibility of comprehensive hypersonic test services including airspace surveillance, telemetry and logistics support at sea.

The operation, known as NRSD-1 or “Who’s Afraid of Lil Ol’ Me,” was conducted about 30 miles south of the Mississippi coast. This breakthrough represents a major step toward more frequent test campaigns needed for emerging technologies in the hypersonic arena. The mission was accomplished in an astonishingly short time frame: less than seven months from conceptual to operational status.

Exact moment of the interceptor launch. Source: The Spaceport Company

New hypersonic test range for deep sea missions

Tom Marotta, CEO of The Spaceport Company, highlighted the importance of this new maritime test site:

With this facility, we not only alleviate the burden on government camps, but also provide a unique offshore environment that land-based facilities cannot replicate.

Marotta thanked Evolution Space and other collaborating entities such as the Defense Innovation Unit and the Coast Guard for their support in carrying out the mission.

The launch platform used, acquired in February 2024, is complemented by highly specialized ground support equipment designed to withstand extreme maritime conditions. This infrastructure allows The Spaceport to operate in any launch azimuth, providing flexibility for future missions in oceans such as the Atlantic and Pacific.

This breakthrough marks a technological success and highlights the potential of offshore hypersonic launches as a key enabler for future national security missions and commercial space commercial.

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Source and photo: The Spaceport Company

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