A hybrid electrical system will be used in a mine in Australia

The hybrid system will provide up to 40% renewable energy.
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Sistema eléctrico hibrido

Under an initial power purchase agreement that will span a decade, Pacific Energy has been commissioned to design and supply a 26 MW hybrid power system for Tronox’s Atlas-Campaspe mineral sands mine, located near Hatfield in New south Wales. This project will mark the debut of Pacific Energy’s electrical systems in this Australian region.

Hybrid electrical system optimizes energy

In detail, the hybrid system configuration will include an 11 MW solar park , a 3 MW/6 MWh battery energy storage system (BESS), 12 MW of diesel generation, and 13 kilometers of high-voltage power lines. This system will replace the 41 diesel generators currently dispersed throughout the mine, centralizing the electricity supply at a single point.

Additionally, the system will incorporate hydrocarbon deactivation functionality, allowing the facility to operate exclusively on renewable energy on days where solar production exceeds the mine’s energy needs. The company anticipates that this situation will occur on most days.

Reduction of emissions at Tronox mine

The combination of the use of solar energy and BESS will enable up to 40% of the mine’s electricity supply to come from renewable sources. This will contribute to a reduction of approximately 13,000 tonnes in Tronox’s annual carbon emissions and a decrease of around five million liters in its annual diesel consumption.

Pacific Energy has also considered in its design the possibility of incorporating future renewable and thermal energy sources to support Tronox’s projected expansion at Atlas-Campaspe.

Jamie Cullen, CEO of Pacific Energy, expressed his pleasure in collaborating on Tronox’s sustainability efforts. He stated that by centralizing Tronox’s energy supply, operating and maintenance costs can be significantly reduced , as well as emissions and fossil fuel consumption.

Pacific Energy drives energy sustainability in Australia

Finally, Cullen highlighted that this agreement with Tronox represents a crucial step for the company ‘s expansion on the east coast of Australia, and aligns with its objective of being the partner of choice for energy decarbonization in the country. The deal also coincides with the launch of Pacific Energy Connected (PEC), a new Melbourne-based division that will support hydrogen projects and supply autonomous energy systems to the east coast.

The adoption of hybrid electrical systems such as the one designed by Pacific Energy for Tronox has environmental and economic benefits for mining operations, and represents a growing trend towards the integration of sustainable energy solutions in intensive industrial sectors. This approach can serve as a replicable model for other industries seeking to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and improve their operational sustainability.

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Source: pacificenergy

Photo: Shutterstock

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