Historic takeoff! SpaceX puts 21 satellites from Iridium and OneWeb companies into orbit

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Inspenet, May 21, 2023

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket took off on Saturday, May 20, from the Vandenberg base of the US Space Force in California with the purpose of placing a group of 21 satellites from the Iridium and OneWeb companies into low Earth orbit.

Elon Musk’s company detailed that the first stage landed on the autonomous maritime platform ‘Of Course I Still Love You’, in the Pacific Ocean. This booster was previously used on the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, DART and Transporter-7 satellite missions, as well as seven other Starlink missions.

SpaceX confirmed the deployment of the five satellites of the American company Iridium one hour after launch, followed by the 16 of the British company OneWeb.

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1844 SpaceX satelites Iridium OneWeb interna

Double launch in one weekend: SpaceX boosts global connectivity

This is the second consecutive launch carried out by SpaceX in less than a day, since on Friday, May 19, it launched 22 satellites that are part of its Starlink constellation into space.

1844 SpaceX satelites Iridium OneWeb Portada 1

Source and photos : https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/467668-spacex-pone-orbita-21-satelites

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