After the dismantling of the Gyda platform, Aker Solutions begins a recycling project

According to the company, approximately 98% of the platform is expected to be recycled and used for other energy or related projects.
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El desmantelamiento de plataforma Gyda

Recently, Aker Solutions, the Norwegian engineering contractor, has completed the extraction and dismantling of the Gyda platform , from a 2,000-tonne module of the main infrastructure, which was operated by Repsol in the southern North Sea.

The Gyda platform recycling and dismantling project

The closure of the Gyda oil field in autumn 2021, operated by Repsol, the upper section of the platform was transported to Aker Solutions’ Stord shipyard in summer 2022. The transfer was carried out by Allseas’ Pioneering Spirit. Since that date, the platform weighs a total of 29,000 tons, and has been under the recycling project.

In June 2017, Norwegian authorities approved the plan for the decommissioning of the Gyda field, which included the permanent plugging of 32 wells, as well as the removal of the platform and other underwater structures . This plan has been executed in phases, culminating with the end of production in 2020 and P&A work concluding in October 2021, carried out by Archer.

Allseas’ role was crucial, obtaining a contract in September 2019 with Repsol for the transport and disposal of the platform. Following its removal, Kvaerner, now part of Aker Solutions, was selected to dismantle and recycle the structure, including both the top and jacket of the Gyda platform.

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Detailed and meticulous planning, according to Aker Solutions

The dismantling and recycling process has been complex and required meticulous planning, according to Aker Solutions . One method they highlighted as efficient and safe was the use of tensile force and explosives to dismantle a significant 2,000-ton module from the main structure .


Demonstration of the planning and demolition work of the Gyda platform. Source: Aker Solutions.

The Gyda decommissioning project is seen as a huge recycling opportunity, bringing together large quantities of valuable materials. According to the company, approximately 98% of the platform is expected to be recycled, significantly contributing to CO₂ reduction compared to the production of new materials.

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Source and photo: Aker Solutions

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