Guyana exports more than 10 million barrels per month

By: Inspenet, November 23, 2022. Guyana has a rapidly growing world supply. Over the past three months, ExxonMobil's Liza projects in the offshore Stabroek block have produced nearly 34 million barrels of light to medium sweet crude.
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By : Inspenet, Nov 23, 2022

Guyana has a rapidly growing world supply. Over the past three months, ExxonMobil’s Liza projects in the offshore Stabroek block have produced nearly 34 million barrels of light to medium sweet crude. Average daily production during the period was 368,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd).

According to oil production data for the period from August 1 to October 31, 2022, from the Petroleum Management Program, a platform that officially establishes Guyana’s transparency portal so that oil data is accessible to all, this was the production level:

In August, average production was 364,820 bpd, totaling 11,309 million barrels.

In September, average production was 366,310 bpd, totaling 10.989 million barrels.

In October, average production was 372,910 bpd, totaling 11.56 million barrels.

Combined, the projects produced and exported 33.859 million bpd of crude.

After being optimized earlier this year, production capacity at Liza Phase 1 has jumped from 120,000 bpd to 140,000 bpd. Liza Destiny’s floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO) has surpassed even its optimized capacity, peaking at 153,780 bpd in August and averaging 148,960 bpd over the three-month period. It produced a total of 13.704 million bpd in the period.

The Liza Phase 2 project, which came online in February, tripled Guyana’s overall production capacity. The project peaked at 240,860 bpd in September and averaged 219,070 bpd over the three-month period, just below design capacity of 220,000 bpd. From this massive deposit, the Liza Unity FPSO produced a total of 20.154 million bpd from August to October.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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