Guyana confirms another oil discovery in the Stabroek block

Isbel Lázaro.
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descubrimiento de petróleo

Inspenet, October 30, 2023.

New oil discovery

Guyana’s Ministry of Energy announced last Thursday that the ExxonMobil-led consortium made another oil and gas discovery through an appraisal well drilled in Guyana. The Lancetfish-2 well marks the fourth offshore discovery in the country this year, bringing the total discoveries since 2015 to 46, with an estimate of more than 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil and gas.

Most of these finds have occurred in ExxonMobil’s prolific Stabroek block, where oil production began in 2019. This 6.6 million acre (26,000 km2 ) block is expected to generate up to 1.2 million barrels of oil and gas per day by 2027.

The Lancetfish-2 discovery, located in the ExxonMobil consortium’s Liza production license area, hosts an estimated 20 meters of hydrocarbon reservoir and has approximately 81 additional meters of hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone, the ministry said in a statement.

ExxonMobil remained tight-lipped

It is expected that the deposit will be subjected to an evaluation process, in accordance with what was mentioned by the Ministry. However, the statement did not provide an estimate of the number of barrels of oil discovered.

In April, the consortium, also consisting of Hess and CNOOC, announced that it had identified approximately 28 meters of oil-bearing sandstone in the Lancetfish-1 well.

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