Guided Ultrasonics Limited provides equipment rental services

By: Inspenet, December 2, 2022. Guided Ultrasonics Limited maintains a stock of rental equipment which is available to rent to its customers who own at least one Wavemaker® instrument and have a qualified inspector available to use the equipment.
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By : Inspenet, December 2, 2022

Guided Ultrasonics Limited maintains a stock of rental equipment which is available to rent to its customers who own at least one Wavemaker® instrument and have a qualified inspector available to use the equipment.

This stock of equipment is managed to allow companies to limit the amount of spending required on sizes or types of sensors that they only use occasionally. It also allows your customers to handle periods of increased demand. Because the stock of rental equipment is finite, it is inevitably not always available “on demand”. If the required equipment is available, it can usually be shipped within one day.

All reservations must be made in writing by email or fax. Prior to shipment of any rental equipment, we will require confirmation of the required date, shipping details, and a purchase order.

If you are interested in renting equipment or would like to check stock availability, please email your inquiry to or visit their website:

Source :

Photo : GUL

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