Green hydrogen project in Ecuador planned for 2025

The war between Ukraine and Russia has been a catalyst for Nepos Energy to focus its efforts on green hydrogen as a key energy alternative.
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Hidrógeno verde en Ecuador

Nepos Energy, a leading company in distributed generation, electrical engineering, automation and industrial control, has unveiled plans to develop its first green hydrogen project in Ecuador by 2025.

During an interview with Energía Estratégica, Daniel Carrillo Nieto, the company’s project leader, explained that the war between Ukraine and Russia has highlighted the need to reduce dependence on conventional energy sources, positioning green hydrogen as a promising energy vector to achieve this goal.

Green hydrogen in Ecuador for agriculture

In this context, Carrillo Nieto said, “We want to invest in a small hydrogen plant for agricultural activities and achieve our first pilot project in Ecuador by 2025. Nepos Energy is currently in the initial stages of planning and evaluation for this green hydrogen project. The company is collaborating with international agencies to conduct a pre-feasibility study this year, with the expectation of having a concrete feasibility assessment next year.

Once the engineering characteristics and conditions for product design and investment are defined, the project will move forward as planned, says Carrillo Nieto. However, one of the main challenges for the development of green hydrogen in Ecuador is the need for investment and a favorable regulatory framework. Carrillo Nieto pointed out that, although the current energy emergency law does not contemplate hydrogen in depth hydrogen efforts are being made to introduce a regulation that favors it.

Support from Germany and H2 Ecuador

The Ecuadorian Hydrogen Association (H2 Ecuador) and the German embassy are actively promoting this energy vector and are in constant dialogue with high-level executives to promote a roadmap .

Nepos Energy’s strategy focuses on starting with small projects to demonstrate the viability of this technology before embarking on larger scale projects. Carrillo Nieto explained that the idea is to start with small projects that demonstrate the feasibility of this energy before thinking about large projects.

To carry out this ambitious project, Nepos Energy is looking for partners and stakeholders. Carrillo Nieto commented: “We are in pre-talks to start with solid foundations” . The development of green hydrogen projects in Ecuador represents a significant step towards diversifying the country’s energy matrix and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

With the support of international organizations and the possible implementation of favorable regulations, Nepos Energy is well positioned to contribute to the promotion of this vector in the country.

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Source: energiaestrategica

Photo: Shutterstock

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