Google to award $5 million for use of quantum computers for real-world cases

Isbel Lazaro, March 5, 2024. Google and XPRIZE have joined forces to launch an innovative $5 million prize challenge aimed at discovering practical and socially beneficial applications for quantum computing technology.
Google premiará con $5 millones el uso de computadoras cuánticas para casos reales

Google and XPRIZE have joined forces to launch an innovative $5 million prize challenge aimed at discovering practical and socially beneficial applications for quantum computing technology. This competition seeks to transcend technical demonstrations of the quantum advantage, such as those achieved by Google’s Sycamore processor in 2019, to find concrete uses that can have a real impact on society.

Competence in the use of quantum computers

The competition, which will run for three years, invites researchers to develop new quantum algorithms that can address existing problems, such as finding innovative battery electrolytes that significantly improve storage capacity.

Google’s Ryan Babbush underscores the importance of this challenge, noting that while quantum computers have proven capable of performing certain tasks with impressive speed, the application of these capabilities to real-world problems has yet to be explored in depth.

Contest entrants need not completely solve a practical problem; rather, they must demonstrate how a quantum algorithm could be applied to address it, specifying the exact quantum computing requirements needed. In addition, competitors are encouraged to consider how existing quantum algorithms could be applied to new real-world problems.

Submitted algorithms will be evaluated on several criteria, including their potential impact, whether they address problems aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and their feasibility of running on current or future quantum computers.

Google to award $5 million to winners

The award will be distributed as follows:

  • A grand prize of $3 million for up to three winners.
  • 1 million dollars among a maximum of five finalists.
  • US$50,000 for each of the 20 semifinalists.

These awards aim to redirect the attention of the scientific community from technical definitions of quantum advantage to practical and meaningful applications. Nicolas Quesada of Polytechnique Montréal and Bill Fefferman of the University of Chicago highlight the importance of this challenge, while acknowledging the technical hurdles, such as noise handling and errors in quantum computers, that still need to be overcome.

A drive towards applied quantum innovation

The launch of this award by Google and XPRIZE not only underscores the transformative potential of quantum quantum computing but also marks a crucial step towards identifying practical applications that can benefit humanity. By encouraging the exploration of real-world uses for quantum computers, this competition promises to accelerate progress toward an era of applied quantum innovations, opening new frontiers in science and technology.

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