Gonzalo Mera Truffini will speak about the expectations of the SLOM Conference in the Tech Talking program

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, September 26, 2022. The Tech Talking program this Wednesday, September 28, will have as a guest Captain Gonzalo Mera Truffini, Director of Management of the Latin American Society of Operators of Maritime Oil Terminals and Monobuoys, who will be talking with Ing. Francesco Solari, CEO of Inspenet, on the expectations and scope of the next SLOM Conference.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, September 26, 2022

The Tech Talking program this Wednesday, September 28, will have as a guest Captain Gonzalo Mera Truffini, Director of Management of the Latin American Society of Operators of Maritime Oil Terminals and Monobuoys, who will be talking with Ing. Francesco Solari, CEO of Inspenet, on the expectations and scope of the next SLOM Conference.

The Latin American Society of Oil Maritime Terminals and Monobuoys Operators (SLOM) is organizing the ‘XVII Conference of Oil Maritime Terminals and Monobuoys Operators’, which will take place from October 5 to 7, 2022 at the Estelar Cartagena de Indias Hotel & Center of Conventions in the city of Cartagena, Colombia.

In this episode of Tech Talking, Captain Mera Truffini comments on the extensive agenda of the SLOM Conference, where they will give 38 conferences on different topics related to the port universe, there will be complementary academic activities such as the ‘AMPP – SLOM Day’ and the ‘OCIMF Day ‘, dynamic workshops and for the first time they will have a panel on women who break paradigms in the Oil & Gas industry.

Don’t miss this Wednesday, September 28 at 6:00 p.m. Colombia, the Tech Talking program on Inspenet TV: https://inspenet.com/inspenet-tv/ , and on the Inspenet YouTube channel: https://www .youtube.com/channel/UCegKDW3RYBEpT5q7OsqFU3A , ask and comment through our social networks:

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Source : Inspenet

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