Germany is heading towards a low-emission energy future

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Inspenet, December 23, 2023.

Starting in January 2024, Centrica will acquire power from three onshore wind farms with an installed capacity of 60.7 MW. These parks, developed by Prokon AG in Germany, house a total of 45 turbines and are projected to generate approximately 70 GWh of renewable electricity annually for Deutsche Bahn.

Jan Gibbert, director of Centrica, commented: “We are exploring how to make this plan work best for our customers to fit their at-home habits. This approach helps manage residential electricity as demand is likely to become a major feature of the market in the coming years.”.

This step is part of Centrica’s ambitious growth strategy in the post-Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) German market. This direction is not surprising considering that Germany is rapidly emerging as a leader in the development and adoption of renewable energy.

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Centrica currently manages around 2,500 MW of solar and wind assets in Germany, but is looking to expand its presence. The company has the ability to offer highly customized agreements to assist companies in decarbonizing their energy consumption, while ensuring long-term price stability.

This will help Germany achieve its national climate goals, which include a reduction of at least 60 percent in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2045.

Likewise, Jan added: “We are applying our commercial experience and our deep knowledge of market dynamics. This supports developers in their investment and helps businesses explore green energy procurement opportunities to meet their net zero goals.”.

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