Germany continues to develop onshore wind power

By: Dra. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, March 18, 2022. Bundesnetzagentur, the energy regulator in Germany, has announced the results of the latest onshore wind energy auction, in which 1,300 MW of new capacity has been awarded, with an average price of 57.6 euros per megawatt hour.

By : Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, March 18, 2022

Bundesnetzagentur, the energy regulator in Germany, has announced the results of the latest onshore wind energy auction, in which 1,300 MW of new capacity has been awarded, with an average price of 57.6 euros per megawatt hour.

In its latest onshore wind power auction, the Bundesnetzagentur has this week awarded 1,300 MW of new capacity. According to, it had received 147 offers for a total of 1,350 MW. The average award price this week was 57.6 euros/MWh, just below the maximum price of 58.8 euros/MWh. The lowest offer was 47.7 euros/MWh.

Germany added several onshore wind farms between 2014 and 2017, reaching a record 5 GW in 2017. To continue growth, the government of Olaf Scholz recently announced that this year they will approve two legislative packages, which, among other measures, will simplify the process of granting permits. They will also reserve 2% of German territory for onshore wind farms. The 56 GW that currently exist occupy 0.5% of the territory.

The projects awarded in this latest onshore wind auction are concentrated, once again, in the north and center of Germany, with North Rhine-Westphalia being the region that has won the most, followed by Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony and Brandenburg. The southern states, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, only obtained 2 new projects each of the 141 awarded.

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